Welcome to the Good Governance Party (GGP) members zone
You can log in with your username/email address and password. If you don't know your password, you can request for your password to be reset.
If you are have difficulty logging in, please contact info@ggp-gh.org and we will check the status of your membership and deal with any issues you may be having.
Become a GGP member today and you’ll be joining a community of people dedicated to creating a prosperous and happy Ghana.
Click the 'Member Registration' button to join (register with) the Good Governance Party or the 'Renew Membership' button to renew your membership.
If you are already a member enter your email address and password to log in.
**** You can register to be a member of the GGP only after you've registered with the website and then logged in ****
One off member registration fee is $20