Our terms of membership
What our Constitution says:
ARTICLE 3: Membership
3.1 Any citizen of Ghana who undertakes to comply with this Constitution and conditions of membership and who is not a member of any other political party shall be eligible to be a member of the Party. Membership of the Party is open to all persons who agree with its fundamental values and objectives without discrimination as to age, ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender or sexual orientation.
(b) As a Member of the Good Governance Party, you must treat others with respect and dignity and must not bully, harass, or intimidate any Party member, member of Party staff, member of the Parliamentary staff, Party volunteer, or member of the public. Such behaviour will be considered to be bringing the Party into disrepute.
3.2 Membership shall be acquired through an enrolling body, being:
(a) a Local Party in the area of which the member lives, works or studies (or, with its consent, another Local Party);
(b) a Specified Associated Organisation representing youth and/or students; or
(c) the National Party in accordance with its internal procedures (and any overseas member in a location where there is no Local Party may become a member via the National Party designated by the National Board to act as agent for the National Party).
(d) any Specified Associated Organisation or Associated Organisation that the National Board considers ought to be entitled to enrol members of the Party. An applicant shall become a member on acceptance by the enrolling body, payment of the requisite subscription and registration. However, the National Party may, by its internal procedures, determine the eligibility of a member to vote in Local Party elections (including
Parliamentary and Local Government selections) may be subject to a minimum requirement as to age (not less than 18 years) and/or length of continuous membership (not being less than 15 months); and the provisions of this constitution as to members’ voting rights shall be construed accordingly.
3.3 Responsibility for renewal of membership shall lie with the National Party but these may, by their internal procedures, provide for this function to be fulfilled by any other body or bodies within the Party. Membership will be automatically terminated if the renewal subscription is not received within three months following the due date.
3.4 All other matters relating to the admission or refusal of admission to membership of any person, or for the revocation or cessation of membership of any member, including the basis
on which the Local Party may be involved in the recruitment and renewal of members, shall be governed by the Constitution of the National Party or by membership rules made under them, except that:
(i) where, in any part of Ghana, provision is not made in any of these respects by the National Party concerned, Articles 3.5 to 3.7 shall apply;
(ii) a right of appeal pursuant to Article 21 of the Constitution, once any procedures internal to the National Party concerned have been exhausted, cannot be excluded in relation to the interpretation of Article 3.1 of the Constitution; and
(iii) the Regional Party shall give notice to the National Party of any revocation of membership.
Subject to the conditions set out in the Constitution of or in the rules made by the National
Party, a member shall be a member of:
(a) where the enrolling body is a Local Party, that Local Party or, where the enrolling body is not a Local Party, an appropriate Local Party in terms of Article 3.2 (a); and
(b) the National Party and/or Regional Party; and
3.5 No person may simultaneously be a member of more than one Local Party. A member may re-register as of right in a different Local Party under the terms of Article 3.2 (a), or may, with the consent of the member’s previous Local Party where that Local Party has ceased to be appropriate in terms of Article 3.2 (a), retain membership of that Local Party. A member who is an MP, prospective parliamentary candidate or member of a local authority may re-register as of right in a relevant Local Party.
3.6 Membership may be refused by an enrolling body on one or more of the following grounds:
(a) material disagreement, evidenced by conduct, with the fundamental values and objectives of the Party;
(b) the admission of the applicant would likely bring the Party into disrepute; or
(c) membership of another political party in Ghana.
Any person aggrieved by such a refusal shall, subject to having exhausted the internal procedures of the National Party, have a right of appeal pursuant to Article 21 on any matter relating to the interpretation of this Constitution.
3.7 Membership may be revoked by a Local Party (or, where appropriate, a Specified Associated Organisation which acted as the enrolling body) or the National Party on one or more of the following grounds:
(a) material disagreement, evidenced by conduct, with the fundamental values and objectives of the Party;
(b) conduct which has brought, or is likely to bring, the Party into disrepute;
(c) standing against the candidate of the Party in any Parliamentary election;
(d) standing against the candidate of the Party in any local authority election; and
(e) membership of or support for another political party in Ghana.
Membership shall not be revoked unless the member has been notified of the grounds on which revocation is to be considered and has been given a reasonable opportunity to reply.
Where paragraph (c), (d) or (e) of this Article 3.7 applies, membership shall be automatically and immediately suspended, and in other cases of urgency the body with powers of revocation may suspend membership while revocation is being considered. Any person aggrieved by such a revocation shall, subject to having exhausted the internal procedures of the National Party, has a right of appeal pursuant to Article 21 on any question relating to the interpretation of this Constitution.
3.8 A register of members shall be maintained by the National Party. A register of members’ resident outside Ghana shall be maintained by the National Party. Any body entitled to maintain a list of members may use the list for its own internal purposes. The National Party shall have direct access to such lists. Any body holding or having access to such lists shall ensure that the information contained in them is not disclosed to any person other than for the proper purposes of the Party. Party bodies shall comply with the directives of the National Board in relation to the Party’s Data Protection Act registration.
3.9 Resignation of member: Any member may resign his membership by giving the Party one month's notice in writing to that effect, provided that any member giving such notice shall be liable to pay their subscription up to and including the current year in which such notice is given.
4.0 Discipline: It shall be the duty of the Disciplinary Committee if at any time it shall be of the opinion that the interests of the Party so require, to consider the question of the suspension or expulsion of any member at a special committee meeting convened for that purpose. Such member shall be given a notice in writing of such meeting and shall be informed in such notice that he/she may offer a written explanation or an explanation of his/her conduct to such meeting in person. If at such meeting, after considering the explanation offered, two-thirds of the members of the Disciplinary Committee present and voting for his/her suspension, demotion or expulsion, he/she shall thereupon be suspended for such period as the Committee may specify or cease to be a member of the Party. An expelled member shall have the right of appeal to the Disciplinary Committee.
Whenever any member of the GGP with a position of trust is implicated (alleged or otherwise) in any form of scandal or anything that will bring the party into disrepute, he/she will be required to inform the party immediately and temporarily suspend their party membership until the issue is thoroughly investigated by the Party Disciplinary Committee. The Party Disciplinary Committee will pass judgement and the affected member will be given the right to appeal within 14 days after the verdict. The Party Disciplinary Committee may then do one or more of the following:
(a) suspend the suspended member for a further term
(b) reinstate the member again; if had been found guilty earlier, they will be required to pay a flat penalty charge of $100
(c) dismiss/expel the member for good