3. Integrity
The National Board acts with integrity, adopting values and creating a culture which helps achieve the Party’s aims. The National Board is aware of the importance of the public’s confidence and trust in the Party, and National Board undertake their duties accordingly.
The National Board members collectively, have ultimate responsibility for the Party’s funds and assets, including its reputation. The National Board should maintain the respect of beneficiaries, other stakeholders and the public by behaving with integrity, even where difficult or unpopular decisions are required. Not doing this risks bringing the Party and its work into disrepute.
Key outcomes
The National Board acts in the best interests of the Party and its beneficiaries. The National Board is not unduly influenced by those who may have special interests and places the interests of the Party before any personal interest. This applies whether the National Board members are elected, nominated, or appointed. Collectively, the National Board is independent in its decision making.
The National Board safeguards and promotes the Party’s reputation and, by extension, promotes public confidence in the wider sector.
Members of the National Board and those working in or representing the Party are seen to be acting with integrity, and in line with the values of the Party.
Recommended practice
Maintaining the Party’s reputation
National Board members adopt and adhere to a suitable code of conduct that sets out expected standards of probity and behaviour.
The National Board considers how the Party is perceived by its members and the public. It makes sure that the Party operates responsibly and ethically, in line with its own aims and values.
The National Board ensures that the Party follows the law. It also considers adherence to non-binding rules, codes and standards (incl. ethical and moral standards), for example relevant regulatory guidance, and other initiatives that promote confidence in what we do.
Identifying, dealing with and recording conflicts of interest/loyalty
The National Board understands how real and perceived conflicts of interests and conflicts of loyalty can affect the Party’s performance and reputation.
National Board members disclose any actual or potential conflicts to the National Board and deal with these in line with the Party’s governing document, and a regularly reviewed conflicts of interest policy.
Registers of interests, hospitality and gifts are kept and made available to stakeholders in line with the Party’s agreed policy on disclosure.
National Board members keep their independence and tell the National Board if they feel influenced by any interest or may be perceived as being influenced or to having a conflict.